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64 year old male, type 1 diabetes, with a prior femoral to politeal bypass graft and a subsequent poplileal to tibial bypass graft. The later graft failed and the patient was told there were no other options to restore blood flow. Endovascular reconstruction of the popliteal artery and tibioperoneal trunk restored blood flow and wound healing was achieved.

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Critical Limb IschemiaCritical limb ischemia misdiagnosed as gout

94 year old female, worsening right toe and foot pain. Seen by primary care and diagnosed as having gout.

Pelvic Venous IncompetencePelvic Venous Congestion with Pelvic Heaviness and Urinary Frequency

36 year old with pelvic aching and heaviness, painful intercourse and urinary frequency treated with the "uncoil coil" technique

ClaudicationClaudication and rest pain secondary to CFA occlusion

62 year old female with 2 months of short distance claudication and rest pain at night