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50 year old female has right flank pain that occurs when walking. Extensive workup for non vascular causes was done and a severe stenosis in the abdominal aorta was found. During further workup, the patient had typical symptoms of leg claudication. However, it was their flank pain that was causing the most concern. Flank pain due to claudication is rare.

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Critical Limb IschemiaPain misdiagnosed as in grown toe nail

101 year old female, admitted to the hospital with foot and toe pain. Patient had a cool pulseless foot.

ClaudicationShort distance claudication treated with atherectomy

59 year old male with short distance exercise induced left leg pain. Pain was severe and was interfering with the patients actively living.

Venous InsufficiencyVenous ulceration secondary to venous outflow obstruction and incompetent superficial and deep veins

65 year old cyclist with extensive superficial and deep venous incompetence and venous ulceration