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The clinical evaluation of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is difficult and yet critically important so that patients receive the care they need. The greatest problem is that clinical evaluation is limited in excluding significant PAD. In short, none of the various clinical findings have a high negative predictive value for PAD. Even simple pulse palpation is fraught with error. All patients with non healing ulcers or wounds or with exertional leg pain should undergo objective physiologic testing.

More Seldinger Files

Critical Limb IschemiaNeuroischemic ulcer from distal PTA and LPA stenosis

61 year old male, diabetic, developed a lateral right foot ulcer after a pedicure. The posterior tibial artery pulse was palpable.

Critical Limb IschemiaAnte/retrograde recanalization occluded ATA for CLI

79 year old female with non healing ulcers. Occlusion of all three arteries in the calf.

Arterial AneurysmEnlarging Internal Iliac Artery Aneurysm

Asymptomatic slowly enlarging internal iliac artery aneurysm